
Interactive editor for Lilypond written in Java


- 'O' a octave up example: c'4 -> c''4
- 'o' a octave down example: e2. -> e,2.
- 'j' cromatic pitch down example: d2 -> des2
- 'k' cromatic pitch up example: f2 -> fis2
- 'e' enharmonic switch example: cis -> des or bes -> ais
- '.' dotted example: c -> c. and c. -> c.. and c.. -> c
- 'dd' delete element example: "c''4." -> ""
- 'ct' clef treble example: "" -> "\clef treble"
- 'cb' clef bass example: "" -> "\clef bass"
- 'P' plays at selected element
- 'P' pause while playing
- 's' stops playing
- 'y' copy element
- 'p' past element

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